Results for 'Richard Eleftherios Boyatzis'

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  1.  18
    Editorial: Emotionally intelligent leadership in medicine.Bobbie Ann Adair White, Philip A. Cola, Richard Eleftherios Boyatzis & Joann Farrell Quinn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Antagonistic neural networks underlying differentiated leadership roles.Richard E. Boyatzis, Kylie Rochford & Anthony I. Jack - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  3.  35
    The Behavioral Level of Emotional Intelligence and Its Measurement.Richard E. Boyatzis - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The role of the positive emotional attractor in vision and shared vision: toward effective leadership, relationships, and engagement.Richard E. Boyatzis, Kylie Rochford & Scott N. Taylor - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Organizational psychology on the way to 2065: a challenge to scholars.Richard E. Boyatzis - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Financial Planning for Retirement: A Psychosocial Perspective.Gabriela Topa, Gregg Lunceford & Richard E. Boyatzis - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Long term impact of emotional, social and cognitive intelligence competencies and GMAT on career and life satisfaction and career success.Emily Amdurer, Richard E. Boyatzis, Argun Saatcioglu, Melvin L. Smith & Scott N. Taylor - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Emotional contagion and proto-organizing in human interaction dynamics.James K. Hazy & Richard E. Boyatzis - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Updating the Debate on Behavioral Competency Development: State of the Art and Future Challenges.Sara Bonesso, Fabrizio Gerli, Rita Zampieri & Richard E. Boyatzis - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Emotional, social, and cognitive intelligence competencies have been recognized as the most critical capabilities for organizations to acquire at all levels. For this reason, a wide body of research since the 1980s has demonstrated their positive impact on individual performance, career success, and wellbeing across sectors and professional roles, and a large number of theoretical contributions on how these competencies can be effectively developed has emerged over time. We focus attention on the developmental and learning processes of emotional, social, and (...)
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  10. Inspired and Effective: The Role of the Ideal Self in Employee Engagement, Well-Being, and Positive Organizational Behaviors.Hector A. Martinez, Kylie Rochford, Richard E. Boyatzis & Sofia Rodriguez-Chaves - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study explores the efficacy of a specific tool – the articulation of the ideal self – in job engagement, psychological well-being, and organizational citizenship behavior. We hypothesized that employees who can visualize their jobs as part of their ideal self – in particular how it helps in its development and realization – would feel higher levels of engagement and fulfillment in their lives, as well as engage in greater amounts of helping and voice OCB. A total of 239 full (...)
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  11.  15
    Multisource Assessment for Development Purposes: Revisiting the Methodology of Data Analysis.Joan Manuel Batista-Foguet, Willem Saris, Richard E. Boyatzis, Ricard Serlavós & Ferran Velasco Moreno - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  12. Ethical Leadership as a Balance Between Opposing Neural Networks.Kylie C. Rochford, Anthony I. Jack, Richard E. Boyatzis & Shannon E. French - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (4):755-770.
    In this article, we explore the implications of opposing domains theory for developing ethical leaders. Opposing domains theory highlights a neurological tension between analytic reasoning and socioemotional reasoning. Specifically, when we engage in analytic reasoning, we suppress our ability to engage in socioemotional reasoning and vice versa. In this article, we bring together the domains of neuroscience, psychology, and ethics, to inform our theorizing around ethical leadership. We propose that a key issue for ethical leadership is achieving a healthy balance (...)
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  13.  42
    An Alternative Approach to Analyze Ipsative Data. Revisiting Experiential Learning Theory.Joan M. Batista-Foguet, Berta Ferrer-Rosell, Ricard Serlavós, Germà Coenders & Richard E. Boyatzis - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  14.  45
    Antecedents of organizational engagement: exploring vision, mood and perceived organizational support with emotional intelligence as a moderator.Edward G. Mahon, Scott N. Taylor & Richard E. Boyatzis - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:113630.
    As organizational leaders worry about the appalling low percentage of people who feel engaged in their work, academics are trying to understand what causes an increase in engagement. We collected survey data from 231 team members from two organizations. We examined the impact of team members’ emotional intelligence (EI) and their perception of shared personal vision, shared positive mood, and perceived organizational support (POS) on the members’ degree of organizational engagement. We found shared vision, shared mood, and POS have a (...)
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  15.  30
    The Power of EI Competencies Over Intelligence and Individual Performance: A Task-Dependent Model.Margarida Truninger, Xavier Fernández-I.-Marín, Joan M. Batista-Foguet, Richard E. Boyatzis & Ricard Serlavós - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  16.  64
    Virtue: The Missing Ethics Element in Emotional Intelligence.Michael Segon & Chris Booth - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (4):789-802.
    The Emotional Competency Inventory framework of Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis has gained significant impact in business leadership and management development. This paper considers the composition of the various versions of the ECI and its successor the Emotional and Social Competency Inventory to determine the nature of any appeal to ethics or moral competence within these frameworks. A series of concerns regarding the ethical limitations of the frameworks are presented with arguments supported by the relevant literature across the (...)
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  17.  21
    Психологічні аспекти формування лідерської культури керівника у контексті рефлексивної моделі управління.Maria Kononets - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 77:181-191.
    The relevance of the research topic is that the psychological aspects of leadership culture are formed under the influence of many factors - economic, organizational, philosophical, philosophical, emotional. The problem statement is the conceptualization of the psychological aspects of forming a leader's leadership culture that creates strategy and produces strong managerial ideas. A true leader should inspire, inspire enthusiasm, support people in motivation and form high-performing teams as a whole. Analysis of Recent Research and Publications - for analysis, we highlight (...)
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    Philosophical anthropology: What, why and how.Richard Schacht - 1990 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 50:155-176.
  19. Families and the new evangelisation: Some reflections before the third extraordinary general assembly of the synod of bishops.Richard Rymarz - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (2):203.
    Rymarz, Richard An important theme in the contemporary disposition of the church toward the wider culture is the need for a new evangelisation. The thinking was given great impetus by St John Paul II. Whilst a bold strategy, there is little doubt that any attempt to evangelise contemporary secular cultures also presents significant challenges. The church, understood however as an agent of evangelisation not by choice but by its very nature, must carry on its Pauline mission with an eye (...)
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    Tocqueville's Political Economy.Richard Swedberg - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    When examined together, Swedburg argues, these books and other writings constitute an interesting alternative model of economic thinking, as well as a major contribution to political economy that deserves a place in contemporary discussions ...
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    Ecology and experience: reflections from a human ecological perspective.Richard J. Borden - 2014 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books.
    A philosophical and narrative memoir, Ecology and Experience is a thoughtful, engaging recounting of author Richard J. Borden’s life entwined in an overview of the intellectual and institutional history of human ecology—a story of life wrapped in a life story. Borden shows that attempts to bridge the mental and environmental arenas are uncertain, but that rigid conventions and narrow views have their dangers too. Human experience and the natural world exist on many levels and gathering from both realms gives (...)
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  22.  11
    Rétrospective d’un théologien : Gérard Siegwalt.Jean Richard - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (2):339-347.
  23.  8
    Vertellingen.Richard Kearney - 2002 - Routledge.
    Verhalen bieden ons bijzonder veelzijdige en duurzame inzichten in de menselijke conditie en hebben al sinds Aristoteles de aandacht van de filosofie getrokken. Het leidmotief van Vertellingen is dat dit digitale en naar verluidt 'postmoderne' tijdperk niet de ondergang van het verhaal aankondigt, maar juist zelf een bron van nieuwe verhalen vormt. Richard Kearney, filosoof en schrijver, ontrafelt in een heldere en meeslepende stijl waarom verhalen deze uitwerking op ons hebben en betoogt dat het onvertelde leven niet waard is (...)
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    Moral philosophy and the analysis of language.Richard B. Brandt - 1963 - [Lawrence? Kan.,: [Lawrence? Kan..
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 1963, given by Richard B. Brandt (1910-1997), an American philosopher.
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    Ethical practice in the human services: from knowing to being.Richard D. Parsons - 2016 - Los Angeles: SAGE. Edited by Karen L. Dickinson.
    Ethical Practice in the Human Services by Richard D. Parsons and Karen L. Dickinson moves beyond addressing ethical issues and principles to helping readers actually practice ethical behavior through awareness of their personal morals, values, and choices. With coverage of ethical standards from six different associations, the text addresses ethical issues and principles in social work, counseling, psychology, and marriage and family therapy. Robust pedagogy includes case illustrations and guided exercises to give readers a deeper understanding of the underlying (...)
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    (1 other version)Democratic Philosophy and the Politics of Knowledge.Richard T. Peterson - 1996 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Debates over postmodernism, analyses of knowledge and power, and the recurring issue of Heidegger's Nazism have all deepened questions about the relation between philosophy and the social roles of intellectuals. Against such postmodernist rejections of philosophical theory as mounted by Rorty and Lyotard, Richard Peterson argues that precisely reflection on rationality, in appropriate social terms, is needed to confront urgent political issues about intellectuals. After presenting a conception of intellectual mediation set within the modern division of labor, he offers (...)
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    Louis Thomassin (1619-95), étude bio-bibliographique avec vingt lettres et deux textes inédits (review).Richard H. Popkin - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):264-265.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:264 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY right at hand, without getting in the way. If it had been printed in as readable type and as elegant form as Steinmann's edition, it might be the ideal easily accessible version to familiarize us with the Pens~es as they were actually written and classified by Pascal himself. RICHARD H. POPKIN University of California, San Diego Pascal. Quinta edizione riveduta e aumentata. By Michele (...)
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    Shadow History.Richard H. Popkin - 1993 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 31 (1):119-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS Shadow History tl9 Richard Watson's essay looks as if it is breaking new ground, but on re-re-reading it, it seems to me that several incommensurable and unrelated problems and phenomena are being treated together. If separated into constituent parts, there may be less here than meets the eye. First of all, the phenomenon of "shadow history," and its role as foundation for a philosophy or (...)
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    The Metaphysical Club (review).Richard A. Watson - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (2):353-356.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.2 (2001) 353-356 [Access article in PDF] Book Review The Metaphysical Club The Metaphysical Club, by Louis Menand; xii & 546 pp. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001, $27.00. "They didn't just want to keep the conversation going; they wanted to get to a better place" (p. 440). So much for the most prominent contemporary pragmatist, Richard Rorty, who remains unmentioned except in the (...)
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    Coordinating Meaning: Common Knowledge and Coordination in Speaker Meaning.Richard Warner - 2018 - In Keith Allan, Jay David Atlas, Brian E. Butler, Alessandro Capone, Marco Carapezza, Valentina Cuccio, Denis Delfitto, Michael Devitt, Graeme Forbes, Alessandra Giorgi, Neal R. Norrick, Nathan Salmon, Gunter Senft, Alberto Voltolini & Richard Warner, Further Advances in Pragmatics and Philosophy: Part 1 From Theory to Practice. Springer Verlag. pp. 243-258.
    When is an indirect report of what a speaker meant correct? The question arises in the law. The Contract Law case of Spaulding v. Morse is a good example. Following their 1932 divorce, George Morse and Ruth Morse entered into a trust agreement in 1937 for the support of their minor son Richard. In that agreement, George promised to “pay to [Spaulding as] trustee in trust for his said minor son Richard the sum of twelve hundred dollars per (...)
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    Free Will: Art and power on Shakespeare's stage.Richard Wilson - 2013 - Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    Free Will: Art and Power on Shakespeare's Stage is a study of theatre and sovereignty that situates Shakespeare's plays in the contraflow between two absolutisms of early modern England: the aesthetic and the political. Starting from the dramatist's cringing relations with his princely patrons, Richard Wilson considers the ways in which this 'bending author' identifies freedom in failure and power in weakness by staging the endgames of a sovereignty that begs to be set free from itself. The arc of (...)
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    The just state: rethinking self-government.Richard Dien Winfield - 2005 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    At a time when the enemies of democracy cannot be dissuaded by appeals to shared values and conventions, nothing is more pressing than a thoroughgoing investigation of what the state should be. Whereas contemporary thinkers have mostly relativized political justice or conceived it as a formal concept lacking institutional detail, The Just State provides a comprehensive theory of self-government, legitimating democracy and concretely conceiving how political institutions should be organized. Carefully and clearly evaluating the fundamental options of normative political theory, (...)
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    Germs: A Memoir of Childhood.Richard Wollheim - 2004 - Shoemaker & Hoard.
    Richard Wollheim grew up lonely and sad in London's wealthy suburbs during the 1920s and 1930s, yet his was a childhood more interesting than most. He had an impresario father and a “Gaiety Girl” mother; together they attracted important guests (Diaghilev, Kurt Weill, Serge Lifar) to the grand houses and hotels that punctuated the landscape of Wollheim's early years. Germs is his account of that time, of the years he spent adoring his charming but distant father; of his regret (...)
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    The parting of the ways: how esoteric Judaism and Christianity influenced the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.Richard L. Kradin - 2016 - Boston: Academic Studies Press.
    "This book explores the religious underpinnings of psychoanalysis and examines how the tenets of Judaism and Christianity specifically influenced the theories and practices of Freud and Jung, respectively. It demonstrates that secular psychoanalysis is in large measure a revision of religious principles contained within the Judeo-Christian ethic and questions whether Freud's and Jung's approaches may best be suited to the psychological configurations of their fellow religionists." -- Back cover.
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    The Year 1800 in the Development of German Idealism.Richard Kroner - 1948 - Review of Metaphysics 1 (4):1 - 31.
    The Critique of Pure Reason had appeared in 1781; almost twenty years later it was completely forgotten and pushed aside by a movement that though originating from Kant's important work nevertheless came to results extremely alien to the intentions and the spirit of its initiator. How could this happen in such a short time? How could the epoch-making philosophic revolution brought about by Kant take such a strange turn? How could the critical principles be perverted to such a degree as (...)
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    (1 other version)From Saussure to Communicology: the Paris School of Semiology.Richard Lanigan - 1988 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 62:124-135.
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    Semiotic Phenomenology of Rhetoric: Eidetic Practice in Henry Grattan's Discourse on Tolerance.Richard L. Lanigan - 1984 - University Press of America.
    The first concrete presentation of phenomenological method in the philosophy of communication and the first systematic look at Henry Grattan, 18thó19th century Irish statesman. Individual chapters cover the method of semiotic phenomenology as it applies to the specific practice of rhetorical criticism and to the general use of phenomenology as a research procedure. Co-published with the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology.
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    Probabilistic verification and approximation.Richard Lassaigne & Sylvain Peyronnet - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 152 (1):122-131.
    We study the existence of efficient approximation methods to verify quantitative specifications of probabilistic systems. Models of such systems are labelled discrete time Markov chains and checking specifications consists of computing satisfaction probabilities of linear temporal logic formulas. We prove that, in general, there is no polynomial time randomized approximation scheme with relative error for probabilistic verification. However, in many applications, specifications can be expressed by monotone formulas or negation of monotone formulas and randomized approximation schemes with absolute error are (...)
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    The Devout Belief of the Imagination. The Paris Meditationes Vitae Christi and Female Franciscan Spirituality in Trecento Italy. Disciplina Monastica 6 (review).Richard A. Leson - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:509-511.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Holly Flora’s published dissertation is a critical contribution to scholarship of the origins of the Meditationes Vitae Christi, a text strongly associated with the preaching and prayer habits of the early Franciscan order and perhaps the most representative example of the late-Medieval devotional and pictorial phenomenon often summarized as the “Vita Christi tradition.” For almost a century, art historians have invoked the MVC to explain iconographic innovations in late-Medieval (...)
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  40.  25
    Pythagoras & The Numbers Game.Richard Lewis - 1997 - Philosophy Now 17:8-9.
  41.  22
    The Measurement of Comentropy Transfer Rates.Richard Lo - 1980 - Semiotics:319-330.
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    Peer review: Prediction of the future or judgment of the past?Richard T. Louttit - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):219-220.
  43.  10
    User-controllable animated diagrams: The solution for learning dynamic content?Richard Lowe - 2004 - In A. Blackwell, K. Marriott & A. Shimojima, Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Springer. pp. 355--359.
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  44. Community, civil society, and social ecology.Richard Madsen - 1999 - In Josef Janning, Charles Kupchan & Dirk Rumberg, Civic engagement in the Atlantic community. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers.
  45.  58
    Foundering between a rock and a hard place: Susan Haack's Evidence and inquiry: Towards reconstruction in epistemology, Oxford: Blackwell 1995, 259 pp.Richard N. Manning - 1999 - Philosophia 27 (1-2):309-347.
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    Spinoza Or Pascal?: Two Views on Religion.Richard Mason - 2000
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    Charles Hartshorne (1897–2000).Richard Michael McDonough - 2020 - Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy.
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  48.  28
    Being, Existence, and That Which Is.Richard McKeon - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (4):539 - 554.
    I am under no illusion that the statement of common issues will forestall controversy. On the contrary, one of the venerable devices of the experienced controversialist is to state all possible positions in his own terms. The three questions concealed behind the three terms in the title of this paper do not have a privileged or architectonic universality. They will not reconcile the oppositions of philosophic positions concerning the possibility, order, and relative importance of questions, and it is easy to (...)
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  49.  29
    The Six Books of a Commonweale. Jean Bodin.Richard McKeon - 1963 - Ethics 74 (1):74-75.
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    Cosmopolitanism and Its Limits.Richard Miller - 2004 - Theoria 51 (104):38-53.
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